Monday, 22 April 2013

v0.15 Released

I've released version 0.15 of my game.

The Hero decision making logic has been completely rewritten to take in to account differing personalities, and as a result the game balance is completely different in terms of how the heroes behave.

There should be a reasonable connection now between sales activity and hero movements in town, and they are in general much less likely to go in and beat the living crap out of the dungeons for no reason.

Fighters, barbarians, thieves etc. still spend plenty of time in the dungeons, with the less combat-oriented heroes spending more time messing about in town.

I'd love to hear any feedback on the end result, I'm pretty happy with it - but whether it is any more fun will clearly be a subjective thing.

Get it at the Bay12 Forums thread:

*Hero AI rewrite, each guild gets different personalities based on Loot, Wealth, Leadership, Balance, Contracts, Glory, Social and Knowledge

*Sales metrics introduced to better inform hero sales decisions, personality based; generally:
-> Balance: Heroes seek out unpopular shops
-> Wealth: Heroes seek out popular shops, lots of sales
-> Loot: Heroes seek out shops, lots of purchases
-> Social: Heroes seek out popular shops, attendance

*Heroes come to town more often if the contract list is well populated (i.e. lots of work available)
*Dungeon crawling logic rewritten based on contracts and personalities
*Phases of operation for heroes should clear up behaviour a little;
*Better transparency for hero decision making in general
*Basis laid for Mayoress, noticeboard, and contracts, implemented in part.
*Some rumours started, but no effects on behaviour yet.
*Contracts moved to a new class, data storage and methods etc.
*Monsters moved to new contract / decision flow system.
*Dungeons expanded slightly, with floor by floor features that can de discovered, with different effects for each feature.
*First pass on game balance for new systems.
*Numpad works where numbers are viable input.

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